Sefer Melachim

Life Lessons fromSefer Melachim with Rebbetzin Esther Shurin Tuesdays, 8:30pm IST Make navi more practical for your life. Join our beloved Rebbetzin Shurin as she gives you wisdom and insight from Sefer Melachim for your everyday. Join us live 8:30IST/1:30EST on Tuesdays, or view recordings below. To join the Whatsapp group, email Join Live […]

Responsa Chabura

Responsa Chabura with Rabbi Kwass Here’s a great opportunity to encounter the rich and diverse world of the responsa literature – She’eilot Uteshuvot – from the Geonim, Rishonim, Acharonim, until the present day. Open to all levels, in every session we learn a selection from the responsa literature. Sundays, 7:15pm IST <span data-metadata="“>To join, contact […]

Re’eh De’ah

Re’eh De’ah WITH RABBI HIRSHFELD Explore Rav Moshe Shapira zt”l’s shiurim on Hilchot De’ot of the Rambam. Rav Hirshfeld will provide you with an incredible opportunity to gain access to the brilliance of the Rambam and Rav Moshe Shapira, leading to growth in your own character development. Sundays, 8:30pm IST Join Live Shiur Source Material […]

Gemara Chabura

Gemara Chaburawith Rabbi Karlinsky Rav Asher Weiss’s Responsa: Fair & Unfair Competition in Business Join Rabbi Karlinsky as he illuminates this topic. Sundays and Wednesdays, 6:00pm IST Join Live Shiur “Rabbi Karlinsky’s Zoom Gemara Chabura for working alumni is a unique and powerful opportunity to grow. It combines three great qualities: 1) A return to […]

The Middos and Avodas Hashem Vaad with Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker

THE MIDDOS AND AVODAS HASHEM VAAD WITH RABBI DOVID SCHOONMAKER Rabbi Schoonmaker’s popular vaad, which makes mussar and machshava ideas alive and practical, is delving into what chesed and living with an awareness of others is all about and how we can practically apply these essential topics to our lives. Sundays, 5:00pm IST This Vaad […]


You can pick up your sefer at Shapell’s (5 Beit HaKerem), Midreshet Rachel (11 Beit haDefus) or by arrangement at a private home in Ramat Eshkol, Har Nof, Efrat or Ramat Beit Shemesh.


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