MRC Aliyah
We are excited for the fourth year of our MRC Aliyah program set to begin November 3rd, Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan (Students are welcome to come on September 4th, Rosh Chodesh Elul if they'd like to join the MRC program to prepare for the Yamim Noraim). This program is perfect for those of you who are intereseted in making aliyah or are just trying to feel out the waters to see if aliyah could be for you. It offers a soft landing where you have a place to live, Torah classes and an instant community, while navigating the challeges of making aliyah. We have an ulpan every day as well as a weekly aliyah workshop with classes given about healthcare, banking, finding jobs, continuing education, aliyah rights and much more. Midreshet Rachel is known for its warm and friendly environment and smaller class sizes. Our goal is to facilitate personal, religious, and academic growth. We look forward to welcoming you!

Yaffa Moskowitz
Educational Director

Text-Based Learning
MRC has both part and full time options to ensure Torah learning can be part of your daily routine in concert with other employment or academic responsibilities. We take pride in having serious, educated students and work to accommodate their needs.
Integrate Into Israel
Our educators are focused on each student individually. They build deep personal connections and offer invaluable guidance. This is especially helpful while going through the challenging process of integrating into Israel. From finding a community to raising sabras, your teachers at MRC will always be there to offer their insight.

A Soft Landing
With a warm, dedicated faculty and a network of thousands of alumni, MRC Aliyah program provides Olim with the resources to get settled in their new home.
Fall Zman Sample Class Schedule

I am very excited about our MRC Aliyah program that Mrs.Yaffa Moskowitz, our educational director, worked hard to create. This program has classes for the student ready for more advanced learning as well as aliya-related classes for the benefit of those interested in aliya.
This program will ease the aliya process for our students. It is not easy to make aliya alone or even as a couple. We are telling our students: "You are not alone. We are here for you and with you." Not only is our staff involved in your aliya process, we BH have alumni in so many different fields in Israel, including alumni who work for Nefesh B'Nefesh. We can send our students to our alumni in their different fields of work to teach them the ropes and guide them through the process. We have many hundreds of families from the men and women's schools living in the Holy Land. Whether you are in the medical fields, social sciences, law, high tech, social media, photography, we have alumni that will be more than happy to assist you in entering the different occupations. We even have a forest ranger from Texas who is here now and another from Texas who will be making aliya IYH soon!
No matter where you want to live, or what kind of community you are looking for, we have families for you to connect with. If you want to go to Netanya, Herzliya, Caesariya, or Zichron Yaakov, we have alumni there. If you want to try out Yehuda or Shomron, we have families to send you to. You can go to the Galil, Tzfat or the Golan, and we have wonderful families in all these places. Of course, in Ramat Bet Shemesh, we have more than 100 families for you to be in touch with and IYH to go to. All in all, we want to be a full service program for aliya-minded students and alumni.
This program will ease the aliya process for our students. It is not easy to make aliya alone or even as a couple. We are telling our students: "You are not alone. We are here for you and with you." Not only is our staff involved in your aliya process, we BH have alumni in so many different fields in Israel, including alumni who work for Nefesh B'Nefesh. We can send our students to our alumni in their different fields of work to teach them the ropes and guide them through the process. We have many hundreds of families from the men and women's schools living in the Holy Land. Whether you are in the medical fields, social sciences, law, high tech, social media, photography, we have alumni that will be more than happy to assist you in entering the different occupations. We even have a forest ranger from Texas who is here now and another from Texas who will be making aliya IYH soon!
No matter where you want to live, or what kind of community you are looking for, we have families for you to connect with. If you want to go to Netanya, Herzliya, Caesariya, or Zichron Yaakov, we have alumni there. If you want to try out Yehuda or Shomron, we have families to send you to. You can go to the Galil, Tzfat or the Golan, and we have wonderful families in all these places. Of course, in Ramat Bet Shemesh, we have more than 100 families for you to be in touch with and IYH to go to. All in all, we want to be a full service program for aliya-minded students and alumni.

Rabbi Anthony Manning
Director/Rosh Midrasha
I don't know what I would have done if I came here on my own without having the solid foundation that contained me throughout my journey.

The learning I did at MRC to me to a place I never thought I could be!

It's been amazing, the complete concrete realization that my skills have improved.

I can keep learning while making aliyah, I can do ulpan and study chumash in the mornings

I don't know what I would have done if I came here on my own without having the solid foundation that contained me throughout my journey.

The learning I did at MRC to me to a place I never thought I could be!