About Midreshet Rachel V'Chaya

Our trained and diverse faculty will help you master the skills needed for Torah study as you gain the confidence and a firm basis for independently analyzing the wealth of Jewish texts. The class sizes are small, and chavruta learning one-on-one with a peer will introduce you to a uniquely dynamic world of Torah learning.
Our students are comprised of university students, graduates and professionals from varying backgrounds. Together they form a mature, dynamic, and inquisitive group dedicated to making Judaism the foundation of their lives. You are joining the Shapell’s/Darché Noam family, experiencing simchas and the cycle of the Jewish year together, forging friendships that will remain with you for life.
Our approach, based on the Torah’s dictum “D’racheha Darché Noam – The Torah’s ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace.” allows you to define your path in the broad spectrum of the Torah community while becoming an advocate for Ahavat Yisrael. Midreshet Rachel guides students of all Jewish backgrounds in their religious and personal growth through the learning and living of Torah. From its location in the heart of Jerusalem, our students are infused with a love for the Land of Israel. Contact us for more information.

Our Vision

Midreshet Rachel V’Chaya prepares women in their 20’s and 30’s for a rich and multi-faceted Torah-centered life. Our educational programs facilitate direct encounters with classic traditional sources, coupled with a focus on character refinement and spiritual growth, cultivating a lifetime love of Hashem, with the study and practice of His Torah. We inspire honor and appreciation of the range of Torah communities, guiding students to discover the fitting environment for them to raise their families and make their unique contribution to the Jewish people.

Our Mission

Shapell’s/Darché Noam, in both its David Shapell College of Jewish Studies/Yeshiva Darché Noam for Men and Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya College of Jewish Studies for Women, offers a variety of long-term (6 months or more), medium-term (3-6 months), and short-term (1-3 months) Torah studies programs. Our student body is composed of English-speaking college students and young professionals who are committed to making Torah Judaism the center of their lives.  We seek to make our education available to all interested students, regardless of economic ability.

Our academic program focuses on giving all students access to the world of classical Torah study, emphasizing the skills that lead to facility and fluency in traditional sources. This empowers students by giving them the ability to learn Torah directly from the sources and to enjoy learning, ensuring that they will continue to learn in the years to come.  They understand that it is not for them alone; but also for their families, their communities, and for generations, as they become strong links in the chain of our sacred tradition. We educate students to understand that high ethical character, continual spiritual growth, and fidelity to our sacred tradition are integral parts of serving Hashem.  We provide opportunities that strengthen our students’ love of the Jewish People, commitment to community service, and their ties to Israel.

We are driven by “דרכיה דרכי נועם וכל נתיבותיה שלום” – “The Torah’s ways are pleasant and all its paths are peace,” striving to create a communal environment that inspires our students to respect and value the many paths in the Torah world.

We help our students change their lives, affecting their future families and thus the face of the Jewish People.

Our Staff

Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky

Rabbi Karlinsky is co-founder and dean of both Shapell’s/Darché Noam and our sister seminary for women, Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya. A Los Angeles native, Rabbi Karlinsky studied at UCLA before going to Israel in 1968, to study at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh and the Mir Yeshiva. After receiving smicha from ITRI, he completed a Master’s degree in educational psychology at Philadelphia’s Temple University and returned to Israel in 1975.

Rabbi Anthony Manning

Director/Rosh Midrasha
Rabbi Manning is Director/Rosh Midrasha of Midreshet Rachel V’Chaya. Growing up in England, he learned in Yeshivat Etz Chaim, Yeshivat Hamivtar, Ateret Yisrael, and at the Jerusalem Kollel of Rav Yitzchak Berkovits. After receiving an MA in Law from Oxford University, he worked as a lawyer in London before moving to Israel in 2002. Rabbi Manning has taught at MRC since 2005, gives a weekly shiur at the OU Israel Center and is a member of the Rabbinical Council of America. His 2023 book: Reclaiming Dignity – A Guide to Tzniut for Men and Women gained wide acclaim and he is pursuing a doctorate in Jewish Philosophy at Yeshiva University. Rabbi Manning and his wife, Sarah, live in Alon Shevut.

Mrs. Yaffa Moskowitz

Educational Director
Mrs. Yaffa Moskowitz is the Director of Education of Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya. Yaffa is a native member of the Far Rockaway community and was active in that community and the Five Towns for many years. Yaffa, her husband Danny and seven children made aliya in the summer of 2013 and now live in Mitzpe Yericho. Yaffa served as teacher and Director of Ateres Seminary for women on the Queens College Campus for 13 years. She was also involved in the Neshei Shor Yoshuv community and gave chaburas for married women. With her energy and forward thinking, Yaffa ensures that the teaching curriculum and special programming reflect the educational objectives of Midreshet Rachel.

Rabbi Yitzchak Shurin

Rosh Midrasha Emeritus
Rabbi Shurin is Rosh Midrasha Emeritus of MRC and, for over 40 years, he has helped guide thousands of women in their journey to a more enriched Jewish life. Rabbi Shurin is the grandson of Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky, zt”l, and had a very close, special relationship with his grandfather. Originally from New York, Rabbi Shurin learned in the Chaim Berlin Yeshiva under Rabbi Yitzchak Hutner, zt”l. In addition to his illustrious background, Rabbi Shurin holds an advanced degree in Guidance and Counseling from Nova University. He has lived in Israel since 1977 and resides in the Givat Ze'ev neighborhood of Jerusalem with his wife, Esther.

Rabbi Yehoshua Bienenfeld

Rabbi Yehoshua Bienenfeld received his semicha from the Rabbi Issac Elchanan Theological Seminary and his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Jewish Education from Yeshiva University. He served as a pulpit rabbi for 39 years in the United States, most notably as the long-time rabbi of Young Israel of St. Louis. His teaching and lecturing experience are quite extensive, taking him to many yeshiva high school and university settings. As a talmid of Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik zt”l, Rabbi Bienenfeld is able to convey the Rav’s teachings in a personal and informative way.

Mrs. Menucha Chwat

Mrs. Chwat was born and educated in New York. She attended the Beit Midrash Program at Stern College for Women. She graduated with a degree in Jewish Studies and Political Science. Upon graduation, Mrs. Chwat made aliyah and began teaching at the Ulpan Giyur in Kfar Etzion as well as at other Jewish women’s learning programs. Menucha is also a fertility, pregnancy and childbirth educator. She and her husband are founding members of the settlement Carmei Tzur near Hebron, where they continue to live with their children.

Rabbi Joel Cohen

Rabbi Cohen has been learning and teaching at Shapell's since 1995. He received smicha from the Israeli Chief Rabbinate. With a father who worked for the Mossad, he traveled the world as a child, living in France, Switzerland, Ethiopia, Turkey, and Italy. In the past, Rabbi Cohen has led Shapell's smicha program (with the talmidim receiving smicha from Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg זצ"ל) and continues to be available for this purpose if there is a critical mass of qualified and interested students.

Rabbi Avraham Fischer

Rabbi Fischer has a BA in English Literature from Yeshiva University, smicha from RIETS, and an MA in English Literature from NYU. After serving as Rabbi and educator with a small congregation in New Jersey, Rabbi Fischer made aliya in 1986. He was Director of Jewish Studies at the WUJS Institute in Arad, and continues to teach there as well as at a number of other educational and outreach programs. Rabbi Fischer, his wife Cheryl, and their children live in Beit Shemesh.

Mrs. Naomi Gordon

Naomi has a degree in Jewish Education from London University and has been teaching in various capacities for all her adult life. She has been teaching for twenty years at MRC. Naomi teaches the basic level Chumash class and tutors for the level one Navi class. She loves teaching beginners and helping them gain the necessary skills that they can move towards independence in learning. Naomi lives in Kiryat Moshe with her husband and children who all share her enthusiasm for having Shabbos guests from Shapell's and MRC.

Mrs. Adina Isenberg

Originally from Chicago, Adina has been teaching in various seminaries throughout Jerusalem since she made aliyah, including She'arim, Be'er Miriam, Machon Raya, and more. Adina has run international programs for teens, is a certified life coach, and mentors teens through her private practice. She had also illustrated over ten children's books. Adina's enthusiasm shines through every lesson she teaches, be it in Grammar or Navi.

Mrs. Shoshana Judelman

Shoshana Judelman is passionate about teaching Torah and Jewish History. She holds a BA in History and an MA in Jewish History. She is very grateful to have made aliyah with her husband and six children to Efrat in 2013. In addition to teaching at MRC, Shoshana teaches Chassidus for the Shirat David Community in Efrat as well as for BeOr Panecha in Elazar. She is a guide in Poland with JRoots and co-leads inspirational trips to Ukraine and around Eretz Yisroel. Shoshana has also been a guide at Yad Vashem since 2014.

Mrs. Ruthie Karlinsky

Mrs. Karlinsky has been on the Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya staff since 1985. She grew up in Philadelphia and studied at the Bais Yaakov Teachers’ Seminary in New York. In 1971, she married Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky and they made aliya soon afterward. Mrs. Karlinsky graduated from Michlala Jerusalem College for Women with a degree in Tanach and Counseling. She worked as a school guidance counselor for over 20 years, both in Bet Shemesh and Gush Etzion. The Karlinsky family lives in Har Nof, Jerusalem.

Rabbi Avraham Kilstein

Rabbi Kilstein has been involved in teaching and Kiruv for over a decade. He has inspired thousands and mentored hundreds of students with his endless love and unique flare which combines chassidish and litvish, intellectual with spiritual, all with tremendous relatability and relevance. Besides for teaching at Midreshet Rachel and other seminaries, Rabbi Kilstein is the director of the Men's Beit Midrash Program at Simchat Shlomo, and he has his own Youtube channel with recordings of his weekly live shiurim. With his wife and ten kids, his home is a magnet to thousands every year with hos famous shabbat meals and musical havdala every week.

Mrs. Rivka Lerner

Rivka is originally from Switzerland. She works as a software developer and coach/Kallah teacher, but her love is in teaching and discussing profound ideas with Jews from all walks of life. After teaching with her husband Rabbi Simi Lerner in London for a few years, Rivka came back to Israel long term, and is now an educator in Tel Aviv for the anglo community, as well as in Midreshet Rachel and privately and above all else, a mother to her awesome 4 boys

Rabbi Simi Lerner

Originally from Edgware, UK, Rabbi Simi Lerner now lives in Bet Shemesh, Israel, with his wife, Rivka, and four sons. He returned to Israel after lecturing in UK universities for the JLE. Simi has a passion for understanding and articulating the teachings of 19th century's great teacher, Rav Samson Rafael Hirsch. One of the aspects he tries to incorporate into his life is the multifaceted approach a Jew takes in the world. To that end, Rabbi Lerner teaches Jewish philosophy and Rav Hirsch for Midreshet Rachel, Midreshet Tehilla and Shapells and at iTV in Tel Aviv, has a popular weekly podcast, "Judaism from Within" and Podcast discussions with his wife on Ou Torah, and lectures online for various organizations. He is also a licensed electrician by trade, and teaches woodworking to youth in his neighbourhood.

Rabbi Yitzchak Lerner

Rabbi Lerner is a Shapell’s/Darché Noam alumnus who returned to teach here. After completing his BA in International Relations from Concordia University in his hometown, Montreal, Rabbi Lerner began his studies at Shapell’s in 1992. After three years at Shapell’s, he went on to learn at Medrash Shmuel and received smicha from Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg זצ"ל. Rabbi Lerner continues to pursue high-level Talmud study, and together with his family, frequently hosts students in their Betar Illit home.

Mrs. Leah Levy

Mrs. Leah Levy was born and raised in sunny California, and educated in the Torah institutions of Los Angeles. After spending several years in Jerusalem studying at the Beth Jacob teachers seminary and working in outreach for Aish HaTorah women's division, she returned to L.A. to teach in the Torah institutions of her home town. After her marriage to Rabbi Binyamin Levy of Jerusalem, she made aliya and began to raise her family in Har Nof, while teaching at various seminaries- including Neve Yerushalayim, Maalot and the Bnos Chava seminary of Jerusalem. Passionate about Torah learning, her classes in MRC are known to include an abundance of Torah and rabbinic sources, along with engaging discussion about relevant life issues from a Torah perspective.

Rabbi Francis Nataf

Rabbi Francis Nataf is a veteran Tanakh educator who has written an acclaimed contemporary commentary on the Torah entitled Redeeming Relevance. He is also Associate Editor of the Jewish Bible Quarterly and Translations and Research Specialist at Sefaria, where he has authored most of Sefaria's in-house translations, including such classics as Sefer HaChinukh, Shaarei Teshuva, Derekh Hashem, Chovat HaTalmidim and many others. He is a prolific writer and his articles on parsha, current events and Jewish Thought appear regularly in many Jewish publications such as the Jewish Press, Tradition, Hakira, the Times of Israel, the Jerusalem Post, Jewish Action and Haaretz.

Mrs. Devora Rubin

Mrs. Rubin is originally from Monsey, New York. She attended Bais Yaakov of Spring Valley and Gateshead Teachers Seminary, and studied Education and Judaic Studies at Rockland Community College. Mrs. Rubin was the principal and co-founder of Congregation Ahavas Torah Hebrew School in Monroe, New York, and led the Bais Yaakov Live and Learn Tour for five years. She also taught in the Hebrew Day School of Orange County, Yavneh Academy in Paramus, New Jersey, and Breuer’s High School. Mrs. Rubin, her husband, and their children live in Undsdorf, Jerusalem.

Rabbi Gidon Schneider

Originally from Toronto, Rabbi Schneider earned degrees in Criminology, History, Philosophy of Law and Social Thought, and a professional certificate in Dispute Resolution. An alumnus of Shapell’s, Rabbi Schneider learned in the Mir Yeshiva before joining Yeshiva University’s Gruss Kollel from which he received smicha. He also received a Masters in Jewish Education and Administration and smicha from Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg.

Mrs. Esther Shurin

Mrs. Shurin teaches Navi and Bein Adam L’Chaveiro at Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya, where she joined the staff in 1984. She grew up in Far Rockaway, NY, graduated from HILI Yeshiva High School and studied at Torah Academy for Girls Seminary as well as the Teachers Institute for Women. She has a BA in English and Education from Brooklyn College. The Shurins made aliya in 1977 and have been living in Neve Yaakov with their family since 1982. Mrs. Shurin loves parenting and teaching and has been busy doing both for over 30 years.

Mrs. Miriam Spitz

Mrs. Miriam Spitz, an alumna of the renowned Gateshead Teachers Seminary, has been inspiring and educating students at MRC and Pathways programs for over a decade. Based on an in-depth analysis of text and commentary, Miriam’s classes focus on exploring the deeper layers of meaning of Torah and tefilla, and their relevance to our lives. The exuberant atmosphere in Miriam’s classroom encourages students to find enjoyment and satisfaction in their learning. Miriam lives with her husband, Rosh Kollel and Halachic author Rabbi Yehuda Spitz, and their children in Jerusalem where she lectures to women.

Our Administration

Mrs. Devora Duek

Eim Bayit
Devora Duek is the Eim Bayit (House Mother) at Midreshet Rachel v'Chaya. Devora made Aliyah after high school and built her home in Israel. She married a Sephardic Israeli, is the proud Imma of 6 and lives in Kiryat Moshe very close to the dorms. Devora has an open home and open heart for all our MRC students and is devoted to their safety and welfare . She is always available for a coffee, a schmooze, hugs and warm Shabbat family meals. She is deeply dedicated to helping our women acclimate to Israel and navigate their growth while learning at MRC and in the years beyond.

Mrs. Atara Rabinowitz

Assistant Executive Director & Logistics Coordinator
Atara was born in Johannesburg and made Aliyah with her family as a child. She has a teacher's degree in art, is a swimming instructor and hydrotherapist, but for the past 15 years she has focused on informal education, and touring logistics, working in a number of women's seminaries. Atara has been an invaluable part of the Midreshet Rachel staff for the past 10 years. In addition to making sure things run smoothly administratively, she plans tiyulim that complement our Torah study and expose our students to the beauty and history of Israel. She also teaches conversational Hebrew Ulpan. Atara lives in the Kiryat Moshe neighborhood of Yerushalayim with her husband and four beautiful daughters.

Mrs. Rivkah Wittenstein

Office Manager-Executive Assistant
Rivkah was raised in Atlanta, GA and brought the lessons of Southern hospitality and humor with her when she moved to Israel. Rivkah brings over twenty years of experience in Women's Torah education and administrative work, and is passionate about engendering an environment of warmth and acceptance in and out of the classroom. At our front desk, students and staff alike are welcomed with her genuine smile and her readiness to help. Rivkah lives in RBS with her husband and kids.

Rabbi Shmuel Jablon

Executive Director
Rabbi Shmuel Jablon has been the Executive Director of Shapell’s/Darché Noam and Midreshet Rachel V'Chaya since the spring of 5775 (2015). He is responsible for the smooth financial and administrative functioning of the entire organization. As part of this, he works with every student on their tuition plan and assists, as applicable, with MASA Israel grants. In addition to serving as Executive Director, he teaches our Modern Israel course. Prior to his aliyah, he served as a Jewish Day School administrator in the U.S. for 17 years. A musmach of Hebrew Theological College (Skokie Yeshiva), he also holds a Masters in Education and has significant experience in strategic planning and community relations. Rabbi Jablon and his wife reside in Efrat and love being Israeli grandparents.

Mrs. Dana Margolis

Director of Philanthropy
Mrs. Dana Margolis, as Director of Philanthropy, is responsible for alumni relations and fundraising. Dana and her husband, Adam, are also alumni of our Married Couples Program. Before fulfilling a life-long dream-making aliya in the spring of 2021, Dana and Adam were star lay leaders in the Milwaukee Jewish community led by their mentors, Rabbi Michel and Rebbetzin Feige Twerski. Professionally, Dana has been a Senior Lecturer in Jewish Studies at the University of WI-Milwaukee for 20 years and most recently served as the Director of Women’s Philanthropy for the Milwaukee Jewish Federation.


You can pick up your sefer at Shapell’s (5 Beit HaKerem), Midreshet Rachel (11 Beit haDefus) or by arrangement at a private home in Ramat Eshkol, Har Nof, Efrat or Ramat Beit Shemesh.


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