Join Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky for his twice-weekly, in-depth Gemara shiur in our Virtual Beit Midrash. To join the zoom meeting, click the button below.
The chabura is a tremendous platform for growth in Torah and avoda - all under the fun and high-pressure environment created by Rabbi Karlinsky’s enthusiasm and teaching skill. Please join us.
Chabura Sources:
Yoma 86a, Sanhedrin 74a-b; Rambam Yesodei HaTorah, Ch. 1:1-3,10-11
Sunday & Wednesday
Guilty or Innocent
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The chabura is a tremendous platform for growth in Torah and avoda - all under the fun and high-pressure environment created by Rabbi Karlinsky’s enthusiasm and teaching skill. Please join us.
Gemara Chabura
Sources: Bava Metziah: 35a-b
"Equity of Redemption"
Sundays & Wednesdays
6:15-7:15 IST
Equity of redemption (also termed right of redemption or equitable right of redemption) is a defaulting mortgagor’s right to prevent foreclosure proceedings on the property and redeem the mortgaged property by discharging the debt secured by the mortgage within a reasonable amount of time (thereby curing the default).
The defaulting mortgagor must exercise the equity of redemption within a certain amount of time (before an absolute foreclosure on the property). The equity of redemption right only exists from the time of default to the commencement of foreclosure proceedings. In many jurisdictions, the defaulting mortgagor also has a statutory right of redemption within six months following the foreclosure sale and becomes entitled to any surplus from the sale proceeds in excess of the outstanding mortgage.
The chabura will examine the Rishonim, Rosh, Nimukei Yoseif, and then to the Halacha in the Tur and more. Along the way we will touch on ועשית הישר והטוב (“and you shall do what is straight and good”) which seems to be the basis for the halacha.