Executive Learning Program

Shapell’s Executive Learning Program offers you the opportunity to experience learning Torah in Israel one-on-one while also being in a Yeshiva or Midrasha setting. Whether you are a newcomer to advanced Torah studies, an advanced student looking to explore a particular topic, sharpen your textual and analytical skills, or anywhere in between, we can custom design a meaningful and impactful program, whether if be for one morning, or a number of weeks.
We also offer the option to bring your child (ages 8-18) to learn with you. You can learn together, or we can design a program where you both learn the same topic – but with separate teachers.
What Can I Learn?
The Executive Learning Program provides individualized learning experiences, custom-tailored to your available time and interests. The possibilities are literally as wide as the sea of Torah! Below is a list of some of the topics many participants have found interesting .
What do we mean when we refer to the Oral Law? What are its components? Why do we need both a Written and Oral Torah and how can we be sure it is true?
What is the role of mishna? Why is it so important to learn? Learn the skills and methodology to make mishna meaningful and enjoyable.
What is Gemara? Why do we learn it? How does it work? Learn through a passage of Gemara and find out what it’s all about!
Brush up on textual and analytical skills and gain new methods and tips to decipher, understand, and appreciate Gemara.
Learn a fundamental topic in Gemara with commentaries. Improve your skills and know-how of how to tackle a sugya “b’iyun.”
Research a topic starting with its source in the Gemara, following its development in the Rishonim through the Shulchan Aruch to modern poskim.
Delve into the deepest and most important works and topics of Jewish Thought. What is the purpose of creation? What is the mission of the Jewish People? How and why do we serve and connect to our Creator?
Improve, review, or fine-tune your knowledge of the basics of Jewish daily living regarding areas such as Shabbat, Kashrut, Brachot, Tefillah…
Research the sources and opinions on key topics such as organ donation, reproduction, and experimental surgery.
Study passages of Gemara and Rishonim that show the Torah perspective on issues that arise in the modern business world.
Delve into the deepest and most important works and topics of Jewish Thought. What is the purpose of creation? What is the mission of the Jewish People? How and why do we serve and connect to our Creator?
Be educated of the challenges that confront a religious Jew in the modern workplace and the halachic solutions available.
Enrich your visit to Israel with source-based learning from ancient and modern sources about the importance and significance of sights and places you will experience. Learn about the unique halachot that apply only here and the halachic issues and challenges in a modern Jewish State.
Revisit some of the well-known episodes and issues of Tanach that challenge us to delve deep into the text to gain a better understanding. We can choose them – or let us know which stories you would like to explore.
Regardless of your background, there is always more to uncover about the meaning of the siddur, the purpose of prayer, and possible approaches we can take to deepen our connection to davening.
Through the works and writings of the greatest thinkers of our history, from medieval to modern, gain an appreciation for the meaning behind doing mitzvot in general and study specific mitzvot and their meaning and relevance to each and every one of us.
How do we implement the Torah’s laws regarding how we treat our fellow Jews. Learn what our sources say about topics such as not embarrassing others, not taking revenge, and how to properly do chesed and give tzedaka.
What Does it Cost?
The cost for bringing along a child to learn with you and your teacher is an additional $5 per hour.
The cost for bringing along a child to learn with a different teacher is $65 per hour or $180 for an entire morning.

To learn more about the Executive Learning Program, please contact Rabbi Binyomin Wolff.