We Need Your Help
- One-time Donation (Credit Card)
- Monthly
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You will have the option to add a dedication/note during checkout.
Donate using: Zelle/Bank Transfer • Check
Dedication Opportunities
Sponsor Torah learning in the Yeshiva or Midrasha
Parnass Hayom $1,800
Morning of Learning $1,000
Night Seder $540
A single class $180
Honor the memory of a loved one
Kaddish for the year of mourning – $360
Yahrtzeit Plaque at Shapell’s – $250
Shapell’s Donor Wall – $2,500-$10,000
MRC Eitz Chaim Leaves – $1,000-$3,600
HaShavua Weekly Newsletter – $180
Shabbat in the Yeshiva or Midrasha
Entire Shabbat $1,000
Main Meal $540
Seuda Shlishit $360
In addition to the above, we would be honored to work with you to find a sponsorship opportunity that you feel appropriately matches your philanthropic goals. Please contact Emuna Diamond from our Fundraising and Alumni Relations department at emuna@darchenoam.org.

How to donate via Check
American Friends of Darche Noam
176-25 Union Turnpike
Suite 336
Fresh Meadows, NY 11366
Tax Exemption# 11-2694906
British Friends of Darche Noam
18 Mayfield Gardens
Hendon, London NW4 2QA
Charity Commission# 1051086
Netivot Noam
P.O.B. 3151
Jerusalem 96343
non-profit# 580007912
Cheques should be made out to Mizrachi Organization of Canada, and Shapell’s/Darche Noam should be put in the memo line. Cheques should be sent or brought to:
4600 Bathurst St. Suite 316
North York, ON M2R 3V2
E-transfer may be sent to rabbimazer@mizrachi.ca. For each transfer please send an accompanying email to the same address with the following information:
-Donor name and billing address
-date and amount of donation
-allocation to Shapell’s/Darche Noam
How to donate with Zelle/Bank Transfer
We are now accepting bank transfers via Zelle – our account is: director@darchenoam.org.Â
Please include “donation” in the memo.Â
For ACH or wire transfers, please contact: malka@darchenoam.org.
Metro Bank
Branch Holborn
Sort Code 23 – 05 – 80
A/C No. 11102174
Name of account: British Friends of Darche Noam
Bank Mizrachi – Tefachot (20)
Givat Shaul Branch (458)
Address of bank: 24 Givat Shaul, Jerusalem, Israel
Account # : 205942
Account name: Netivot Noam
Swiftcode: MIZBILIT
IBAN: IL20 0204 5800 0000 0205 942
Beneficiary Name: Mizrachi Organization of Canada
Beneficiary Address: 4600 Bathurst Street, Suite 316
Toronto, Ontario M2R 3V2
Account Number: 1027-149
Branch Transit #: 04242
Bank Number: 001
Branch Address: 2953 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON, M6B 3B2
-Donor name and billing address
-date and amount of donation
-that allocation is for Shapell’s/Darche Noam
More Ways to Give
We are committed to working with you to ensure you find the charitable arrangements that best meet your wishes and needs. Please reach out to our dedicated professional staff for information on unique dedication and sponsorship opportunities and for more information on:
- Endowment gifts
- Stock/Asset transfers
- Charitable IRA rollovers

Dana Margolis
Director of Philanthropy