Married Couples fellowships
Join the program designed exclusively for married couples seeking the
spiritual, textual and philosophical foundations to build Torah homes.
Yearly, Shapell’s and MRC award two 11 month fellowships to couples with outstanding academic and leadership potential as well as demonstrated commitment to both Jewish growth and the Jewish community. We encourage observant young couples who are committed to Torah study, spiritual growth, and service to the Jewish community, to apply for this program and a fellowship.
About the Fellowships
The David and Fela Shapell z”l Memorial Married Couples Fellowship – in memory of our great benefactors, David and Fela Shapell
Q: Who qualifies for the fellowship?
A: Fellowships are for married couples who will commit to an entire academic year of full time study at Shapell’s/ Yeshiva Darche Noam and Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya. Fellows are expected to maintain excellent attendance, pursue their studies diligently, be role models for their fellow students, and play a leadership role in the Yeshiva and Midrasha community.
Q: What does the fellowship cover?
A: Fellowships cover:
- Full tuition (after MASA Israel scholarships for those who are eligible; see
program/midreshet-rachel- shapells-yeshiva-darche-noam/) - Daily lunch (the main meal of the day in Israel) when classes are in session.
- Participation at “In Shabbatot” (10 – 12 times a year), special Shabbatonim (multiple times a year) and the other activities of both divisions.
- The ability to rent partially subsidized on-campus housing in one of the apartments on the Shapell’s campus.
Q: What is NOT included in the fellowship?
A: Fellowships do not cover travel to and from Israel, other food not listed above, electricity and other apartment expenses, transit within Israel, cell phones, child care, insurance, and other daily incidental expenses. Students who qualify for additional needs-based scholarships from MASA Israel are encouraged to apply to MASA. Any needs-based funds received will be credited to the Fellows in the form of a monthly stipend which can be used to pay their subsidized rent or for other needs.
Q: How do I Apply?
A: All applicants must first complete the standard application for admission to Shapell’s and MRC. Upon acceptance to the Yeshiva and Midrasha, candidates for a fellowship will then be invited to complete a supplementary application.
For More Information
For more information about our Married Couples Fellowships, contact Rabbi Yitz Lerner at or Yaffa Moskowitz at
About Shapell's/Darché Noam
Shapell’s/Darché Noam is internationally known for its structured approach to teaching how to access Jewish texts, its presentation and integration of different approaches in Torah Judaism, its diverse staff, and its high quality student body. With an emphasis on middot development and teaching a love of Israel, students are instilled with an appreciation of their uniqueness as individuals and responsibility as Jews. Built on the philosophy of Deracheha Darché Noam, “the ways of the Torah are ways of harmony”, the Yeshiva and Seminary have facilitated the spiritual and personal growth of thousands of men and women. Graduates make an impact on their communities, whether in Rabbinic, educational or lay leadership roles. Our Married Couples Program in particular has proven to have a profound, long-term impact on the lives of its participants in building those families.