Rabbi Schoonmaker's popular vaad, which makes mussar and machshava ideas alive and practical, is delving into what chesed and living with an awareness of others is all about and how we can practically apply these essential topics to our lives.

Sundays, 5:00pm IST

This Vaad is for those who:

  • Want to work on themselves in a practical, Torah-true way.
  • Can be self-reflective.
  • Aren’t afraid to identify and face their faults.
  • Will dedicate time and effort – both the 25-40 minutes of the weekly vaad and the daily exercises [kabbalot].
  • Appreciate and learn from trial and error. This is not about quick fixes, conditioning, an exact science or guaranteed success.

How it’s done:

  • A weekly  ZOOM vaad for 25-40 minutes consisting of three parts.
    • 1. Rabbi Schoonmaker will begin by going over how the exercise of the last week went  (based on his personal experience and vaad members’ email comments).  
    • 2. He will then discuss that week’s topic and kabbala [daily exercise]  
    • 3.The vaad ends with questions and comments by vaad members
  • עלי שור חלק ב of Rav Wolbe, זצ”ל, will be a prime source in this vaad, but the vaad isn’t based on that sefer persay. [Rabbi Schoonmaker personally learned from Rav Wolbe for many years. He also learned from, and maintains a close personal relationship with one of Rav Wolbe’s central students, Rav Reuven Leuchter שליט”א]. 
  • The daily exercise is essential. Through engaging in the creative and personalized kabbalot one learns where he stands in regards to the middah/avodah at hand and how to attach himself correctly to the good middah or avoid the bad middah.
  • As mentioned, there is a lot of trial and error in our approach. One needs to be reflective towards what he is personally learning about himself and the topic.
  • Sharing feedback  through sending written comments to Rabbi Schoonmaker is critical to one’s personal success and the success of other members of the vaad. Writing forces you to crystalize your thoughts; plus other vaad members will gain from your insight. Sharing at the end of each vaad will bring the group closer to each other and give everyone a chance for brief comments.
  • All shiurim from previous vaad topics are available below. 

What is your commitment?

  • Your time and effort
  • The vaad is on Sundays at 5:00 PM Israel time. 
  • One who the time is impossible for, may listen to a recording preferably on Sundays but not later than Monday.
  • There is no financial commitment.

Before joining the vaad, please listen to the following intro:

If you don’t see the tracks below, please visit the SoundCloud playlist directly at

To join the vaad, register below:

If you don’t see the tracks below, please visit the SoundCloud playlist directly at

If you don’t see the tracks below, please visit the SoundCloud playlist directly at

If you don’t see the tracks below, please visit the SoundCloud playlist directly at

If you don’t see the tracks below, please visit the SoundCloud playlist directly at