Shabbat is the rich secret of Jewish life, the soul of Judaism. In this year’s Shapell’s Summer Program students have the opportunity to explore Shabbat in depth, through shiurim, workshops, and group Shabbatot. “5 Weeks of Shabbat,” is geared for 20-30 year old men who would like to experience yeshiva, energize their Jewish lives, and experience Israel during summer vacation, together with a great group of guys. From July 10 to August 14, 2016, the entire yeshiva will be exploring one theme, Shabbat, in depth. Some highlights of our program (subject to changes):
1. Gemara In-Depth
Both the morning Iyun shiurim – Perek Haoreg (beginning with the Mishna on 105b) – and the afternoon Mishna and Bekiut shiurim will be learning selections from Masechet Shabbat. Many shiurim will examine how practical halachah flows from primary sources.
2. Practical Shabbat Workshops
Every afternoon begins with a hands-on workshop. These are the four electives:
a. Shabbat and Modern Technology – When It Helps Us, When It Challenges Us
b. Jewish Public Speaking – How to Give a Dvar Torah, Drashah, or Speech
c. How to Be a Gabai – Running a Shabbat Minyan (beginners and advanced)
d. How to Be a Chazan – Shabbat Davening & Kriat Hatorah
3. Ivrit, Halachah, Machshava, Mussar, Chassidut, and Chumash
Our afternoon program provides a daily diet of learning, including Ivrit, Jewish thought, and halachah. Hilchot Shabbat will be integrated into the Bekiut and Mishna shiurim; Ivrit classes will help understand the text of the Shabbat Siddur and Zemirot; and we will gain a deeper understanding of Shabbat through Sifrei Machshava, Mussar, and Chassidut.
4. Tiyulim
The summer program includes a two-day overnight camping trip up North. It is an awesome experience: water, hiking, camping out, kumzitz, cook-out.
Half-day tiyulim and activities include:
a. An Inside Look at Meah Shearim
b. The 39 Melachot Exhibit
c. An afternoon of Rebbeim and Talmidim – sports and a cookout
d. An Inside Look at the Shabbat Kitchen
5. Music and Celebration, Mourning and Kinot
The first two weeks of the Summer Program precede the “Three Weeks.” We are blessed with some extremely talented students and faculty members who will lead us in musical events:
Kumzitzes with Rav Nadel and Rav Goldschmiedt
Mishmar Night with Rav Avraham Jacobovitz
We close with Shabbat Chazon and Tisha B’Av in Yeshiva, Rebbeim guide and explain the Kinot.
6. Shabbatot!
The crescendo of the Summer Shabbat Program is Shabbat together in Yeshiva: Davening together, learning together, eating the Shabbat meals together, and sharing an Oneg Shabbat and Kiddush. Two Shabbatot are in yeshiva, one is free, and one is a mini-Shabbaton in a community outside Jerusalem, hosted by families.
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